SQL Server Full Text Index: Everything You Need to Know : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on SQL Server Full Text Index. This article is designed to be the ultimate resource for anyone looking to learn more about this technology, and how it can help improve their search functionality. Whether you’re a seasoned database administrator or just starting out with SQL Server, this guide has everything you need to know.

What is SQL Server Full Text Indexing?

SQL Server Full Text Indexing is a powerful technology that allows you to perform full-text searches against your SQL Server database. Unlike traditional searches that rely on exact matches, Full Text Indexing allows you to search for words or phrases that are similar in meaning, even if they’re not identical. By creating a Full Text Index on your database, you can dramatically improve the speed and accuracy of your searches.

How Does Full Text Indexing Work?

When you create a Full Text Index on a column in your database, SQL Server will analyze the text in that column and create an index of all the words and phrases that appear. This index is then used to perform full-text searches against that column. When you search for a word or phrase, SQL Server uses the index to quickly find all the rows that contain that word or phrase.

The Full Text Indexing process involves several steps:

Step Description
Word Breaking The text in the column is broken down into individual words.
Noise Words Removal Common words such as “and” or “the” are removed from the index.
Stemming Words are reduced to their base form to improve search accuracy.
Indexing The remaining words are added to the Full Text Index.

What Are the Benefits of Full Text Indexing?

There are several benefits to using Full Text Indexing in your SQL Server database:

  • Improved Search Performance: Full Text Indexing allows you to perform complex searches quickly and accurately.
  • Flexible Search Capabilities: Full Text Indexing supports a wide range of search capabilities, including fuzzy searches, proximity searches, and thesaurus searches.
  • Advanced Querying: Full Text Indexing allows you to perform complex queries that would be difficult or impossible with traditional SQL queries.

How to Create a Full Text Index in SQL Server

Creating a Full Text Index in SQL Server is a straightforward process:

  1. Create a Full Text Catalog: A Full Text Catalog is a logical container that holds one or more Full Text Indexes. You can create a Full Text Catalog using the CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement.
  2. Create a Full Text Index: Once you’ve created a Full Text Catalog, you can create a Full Text Index using the CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX statement. This statement specifies the table, column, and Full Text Catalog to use for the index.
  3. Populate the Full Text Index: After you’ve created the Full Text Index, you must populate it with data from the table. You can do this using the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
  4. Search the Full Text Index: Once the Full Text Index is populated, you can search it using the CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate.

Full Text Indexing Example

Here’s an example of how to create a Full Text Index in SQL Server:


      KEY INDEX MyPrimaryKey


Full Text Search Example

Here’s an example of how to perform a Full Text search in SQL Server:

    SELECT Title, Body
    FROM MyTable
    WHERE CONTAINS(Body, 'SQL Server Full Text Index')

Common Full Text Indexing Issues and How to Solve Them

Issue #1: Full Text Service Not Running

If you encounter an error when trying to create a Full Text Index that says “The Full-Text service is not running”, you need to check whether the Full-Text service is running. To do this:

  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
  2. Expand Services
  3. Ensure that the Full Text Search service is started

Issue #2: Full Text Indexing Not Supported on Column

If you encounter an error when trying to create a Full Text Index that says “Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on column”, this means that Full Text Indexing is not supported on that column. To enable Full Text Indexing on the column, you need to:

  1. Ensure that the column has a supported data type (nvarchar, varchar, ntext, or text)
  2. Add a Full Text Index on the column


SQL Server Full Text Indexing is a powerful technology that can dramatically improve the search functionality of your SQL Server database. By creating a Full Text Index on your database, you can perform complex searches quickly and accurately, allowing you to find the information you need when you need it. We hope this guide has been helpful in explaining the benefits of Full Text Indexing and how to implement it in your own database.


What is a Full Text Index in SQL Server?

A Full Text Index in SQL Server is an index of the words and phrases that appear in a column of text data. This index allows you to perform full-text searches against that column, even when the search term is not an exact match.

How do I create a Full Text Index in SQL Server?

To create a Full Text Index in SQL Server, you need to create a Full Text Catalog, create a Full Text Index, populate the index with data, and then search the index. The process is straightforward and can be done using SQL commands.

What are the benefits of Full Text Indexing in SQL Server?

The benefits of Full Text Indexing in SQL Server include improved search performance, flexible search capabilities, and advanced querying. Full Text Indexing allows you to perform complex searches quickly and accurately, making it an essential technology for any database that needs to support text-based search functionality.

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